


There are SOME certainties:

  1. It's going to hurt! 2. If you move like you're able-bodied, it's going to hurt A LOT. 3. The more you work that hip, the pain will gradually increase and the longer it will take to stop hurting again. 4. If you sit properly for long enough, you won't get any pain but 5. Sit for too long and it hurts more when you move than if you had sat less. 6. The optimum experience comes from moving gently for short periods frequently (which is fine if you don't have a job or responsibilities!)


Some days when you wake up, you just KNOW it's going to be bad all day - it's complaining right from the off. Others start OK and get worse, sometimes it starts bad and gets better to a point then gets worse again, and just occasionally you feel able-bodied - for about a minute. It's like living with a demon who's definitely going to thump you, but when and how hard is anyone's guess.




  • StickyWicket
    StickyWicket 成员Posts:26,358


    OA, in my view, behaves fairly predictably. If we overdo things it kicks off in a massive tantrum, but rest and exercises will sort it out. Not permanently, obviously. But they will get it back to tolerable or, as an old friend would say 'moderately grotty'. Defining 'overdoing things' is, of course, the tricky bit. We have to get to know our triggers and avoid them as far as possible. If 'possible' is impossible we know what to expect and can prepare for payback. Sometimes payback is oh-so-worth it. Others it's just an added pain. But one which will ease.

    i think it's not a geat idea to quantify pain ie activity (a) will cause pain level (6) as that just makes us concentrate on pain. We find out soon enough, and quite effortlessly, what hurts most and longest and what is best avoided.

    Re your last paragraph, neither OA nor RA has sent me suicidal or mad (though my family would all hoot at the last bit) but I do strongly agree with the rest of the paragraph.


  • 该死69
    该死69 成员Posts:54


    Obviously I can only comment from the limitations of my own experience, and describe that experience relative to my own previous experiences. There are of course experiences beyond mine. If you state rheumatoid is worse than osteo, I'm not in a position to argue!


    I will in subsequent articles, be discussing pain management itself, and use pain scales so people can see for themselves that it works. For newbies, the trick is to get them to value the pain retrospectively - "what was your pain level when you were doing that?" People who get the hang of pain management can see their pain reduce actually in the moment.

    I must add that subsequent to onset and diagnosed, my own pain management skills COMPLETELY COLLAPSED! This I attribute to being taken completely by surprise, firstly by having no idea what was going on, then by the bombshell of a life-changing diagnosis and its implications. It's only now, as the initial shock and surprise is subsiding, that I am re-learning those skills.

  • 我认为可以说RA和关节炎的炎症形式比OA“差”是不公平的,因为这一切都是主观的,但我确实发现它更可预测。

    I know nothing about the SUDS scale but I do hate the pain scale for the same reason. Some stoics would admit only to a '3' while a leg was hanging off whereas others find any pain intolerable and would start at '7'. I've never found it conveyed anything useful but I'll be interested in your defence of it.


  • 该死69
    该死69 成员Posts:54

    You are quite right that a pain scale is subjective - a 3 to one person is indeed a 7 to someone else. It doesn't give you any reliable information about pathology - my knee was regularly scoring an 8 when there was nothing wrong with it - the pain was being referred from the hip.

    它的作用是允许治疗师/临床医生和患者/客户量化治疗后的不适水平和任何明显的改善。这是无法治愈/慢性病的主要目标 - 使客户足够舒适地生活。因此,在这种有限的上下文中,它很有用。但是,还有另一个因素。如果您将疼痛量表本身与疼痛联系起来,它将变得完全没有用,有点像急于吸收血压的人会升高他们的血压!如果协会无法破裂,则需要以另一种方式评估疼痛。

    I will definitely check out the link for nuggets I may not yet know of.

  • 该死的69,我觉得没有人,我的意思是没有人能理解它的感觉,直到我读到您的副本杰作,我同意这是100%的,也是您尝试在另一个线程上努力的尝试。能够表达整件事的纯粹随机性,做得很好。

