
曼迪 Member帖子:7
edited 21. Sep 2021, 08:38 问好



  • Chris_R
    Chris_R 主持人帖子:494
    edited 14. May 2021, 18:12







    Arthritis and depression: what you can do about it (versusarthritis.org)


    All the best Christine

  • 曼迪
    曼迪 Member帖子:7

    Yes I have codeine for pain ,but it doesn't work.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member帖子:1,992

    I have all the symptoms of firbo on top of my OA and everything else, my GP said that as there was no definitive test for it and as he would only prescribe morphine, which I am on already, he would not investigate it further; he even said "after all it is just another label for you".

  • 小型的
    小型的 Member帖子:33



    Trouble is no one seems to give u a plan at hospital 2 follow while your waiting 4 surgery on whats not good 2 do and whats right 2 do

    Im struggling with my stairs as crawling uo them im trying to find somewhere 2 live on ground level

    I can honestly I have never felt so low in my life I cant even keep a relationship like I am I hate myself 4 ending up like this falling out of a moving car has ruined my life like this having both knees replaced and hip abd spinal stenosis prolapsed disc I just feel like I want my life over im fed up waiting 4 my ops I feel 4 u all having pain as its awful enjoy ur day

  • 曼迪
    曼迪 Member帖子:7

    I think these doctors need to be kinder,more understanding wouldn't go amiss,makes me so angry .

  • 曼迪
    曼迪 Member帖子:7

  • 乔纳
    乔纳 Member帖子:393


    Some doctors recognise fybro some don’t like Mike said it’s a label. They don’t know what’s wrong and don’t have the finances within the nhs govt guidelines to find out I’ve been appalled by my treatment 9 years ago they said fybro and I’ve fought bitterly since then and X-rays have shown osteoarthritis in nearly every bone in my body plus a skin condition I’m also autoimmune and have iron deficiency with high inflammation markers felt dreadful for years but all I got was oh it’s not that bad well I said it is that bad and until you suffer it then don’t comment needless to say I’m non compliant or a serial attender I’ve even been called hysterical a bone spur in my spine pushes on a nerve I couldn’t raise my right arm seen by a dr who was 6 months away from qualifying and insulted so I was calm told him straight what I thought and left (non compliant) I’m angry, hurt and humiliated but now I won’t go near one, one even yawned when I was explaining my pain guess he read front page of my notes fibromyalgia

    I hope you find an understanding doctor and get the help you deserve take care


  • 谢谢理解,你很善良。

  • 乔纳
    乔纳 Member帖子:393


  • Tracie
    Tracie Member帖子:57


    去年,我看到一名顾问测试了我体内的不同位置压力点,这一切都很痛苦。他解释说,他们是否像我疲惫的感觉那样柔软,那是纤维肌痛。纤维肌痛与Oestoathersis并驾齐驱。他非常好,给了我一个解释的传单。并推荐生理学继续从博士服用药物。我认为对自己友善,如果您累了,请不要感到不好,因为Morrow可以做一点运动。DEF帮助照顾Tracie X

  • 你好曼迪,


    For the pain have 2 weekly acupuncture and cupping treatments I also have a tens machine which has a fibromyalgia setting so it runs for a lot longer than other setting and heat always helps I have a wheat bag and a hot water bottle I can wrap around my back.

  • Rosyrojo
    Rosyrojo Member帖子:1
    编辑18. 2022年1月,19:16

    I was diagnosed Fm over 17 years ago. Soon followed by Rh. ARthritis. I take no prescription drugs for either condition. Have had adverse affect from prescriptions in past. SElf care, determination and nutritional guidance -not avail on NHS. For FM- pacing techniques essential. Learn to recognise onset of fatigue. If unable to cease activity/work at that moment .. rest up asap. Psychologically tell yourself ‘ “I am deserving of a break’, or. I’m doing little/nothing.. I’m on holiday.””(Even if you are not!!).

    我采用高剂量姜黄胶囊(带有其他成分)称为{xxx}*。对于FM,我发现了高剂量镁。柠檬酸镁/元素杂志。{xxx}*我服用了20多年的有机小球藻2tabs 500mg EA餐。从那时起,我的铁​​水平一直保持正常。在此期间只有1种病毒。

    Med `herbalist sent test to Germany for “leaky gut syndrome’ over 9yrs ago. Confirmed leaky gut syndrome , ie: good gut bacteria non-existent, bad bacteria over high limit. ADvised gluten free diet and many different baccilus capsules over 4 months. Then retested and correct level of glut bacteria confirmed. Remained gluten free ever since. Much research available on leaky-gut sysndrom+ associated with Rh; Arhritis and FM. Much associated with gluten.

    切勿喝酒或烟。锻炼 - 能量允许时进行轻柔的步行。否则,选择一些“与肢体炎”家庭视频进行锻炼以支持肌肉关节柔韧性/力量。我每年只见两次顾问风湿病学家。坚持进行血液检查的副本,并向我的医学草药医生展示 /发送。所有私人待遇和昂贵。为收入有限的人而悲伤。对于像我们这样的人来说,可悲的是,NHS没有成为希望的服务。由于缺乏对非药物疗法的研究,对饮食/营养的知识/指导很少。自依赖必不可少的,但确实很努力!祝福和好运。

    *Edited to remove product names. Anna (Mod)

  • 安娜
    安娜 主持人帖子:604
    编辑18. 2022年1月,19:19


    感谢您加入并告诉我们您接受补充治疗和药物的经验,以帮助您处理FM和关节炎。我还使用与关节炎的锻炼视频,并beplay体育怎么下载强烈建议它们有助于保持灵活并减轻疼痛。我同意自我保健也是如此重要 - 对此做得很好。



    Best wishes, and keep posting,


  • Eirianwen
    Eirianwen Member帖子:2


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane 主持人帖子:375



    I hope you have had a chance to look at the various links above on complementary therapies, polymyalgia and managing pain. All of them provide interesting information and will no doubt create more questions or comments , so don't hesitate to contact us again and share your own experience.




  • 嗨.....我苏(Sue),除了手指和脚趾的OA外,我还被诊断出患有纤维。从那以后,我还发现自己的下背部,臀部和膝盖有OA。我被一位风湿病学家诊断出,他看见我两次,并将我送回GP。我见过2个GPS,他们显然不知道如何处理纤维。我当时患有高剂量的pregabalin,但由于它影响了我的肝脏,因此GP将其切下来。除了饮食和运动以自我管理之外,我被告知没有其他建议。无论多么温柔,锻炼都会使情况变得更糟。就在我的智慧结束时。我也有家人来找我的问题,只是想躲藏起来。我现在正在寻求咨询,希望这会有所帮助。 How does everyone else cope? Thank you for reading this

  • PeterJ
    PeterJ 主持人帖子:539

    你好@crazycatlady55have a look at the following, it might have a few useful tips

  • Jo110809
    Jo110809 Member帖子:3
    Hi Mandy, <\/p>

    I have fibromyalgia as well as osteoarthritis. I take 40Mg of amitriptyline, there are a number of drugs in the same family as amitriptyline I would definitely push for something, it’s made a huge difference to the sleep I get but I have to say it doesn’t help the pain. <\/p>

    For the pain have 2 weekly acupuncture and cupping treatments I also have a tens machine which has a fibromyalgia setting so it runs for a lot longer than other setting and heat always helps I have a wheat bag and a hot water bottle I can wrap around my back.<\/p>","bodyRaw":"[{\"insert\":\"Hi Mandy, \\nI have fibromyalgia as well as osteoarthritis. I take 40Mg of amitriptyline, there are a number of drugs in the same family as amitriptyline I would definitely push for something, it’s made a huge difference to the sleep I get but I have to say it doesn’t help the pain. \\nFor the pain have 2 weekly acupuncture and cupping treatments I also have a tens machine which has a fibromyalgia setting so it runs for a lot longer than other setting and heat always helps I have a wheat bag and a hot water bottle I can wrap around my back. \\n\"}]","format":"rich","dateInserted":"2022-01-17T22:34:02+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":118803,"name":"Ltrus81","url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/profile\/Ltrus81","photoUrl":"https:\/\/wa.vanillicon.com\/v2\/a8a031bd975500207db1c1944b3beb45.svg","dateLastActive":"2022-01-17T20:18:47+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":false,"showPostLink":false,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/discussion\/comment\/689187#Comment_689187","embedType":"quote"}"> https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/comment/689187#comment_689187

  • Hi everyone I was recently diagnosed after a long time of doctors not taking me seriously, but now I'm diagnosed there is no help they have just left me to get on with it.i feel let down and depressed.in pain every day and night and no light at the end of the tunnel<\/p>","bodyRaw":"[{\"insert\":\"Hi everyone I was recently diagnosed after a long time of doctors not taking me seriously, but now I'm diagnosed there is no help they have just left me to get on with it.i feel let down and depressed.in pain every day and night and no light at the end of the tunnel \\n\"}]","format":"rich","dateInserted":"2021-05-14T17:54:16+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":116323,"name":"Mandy","url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/profile\/Mandy","photoUrl":"https:\/\/w3.vanillicon.com\/v2\/3bb30e7b7a68a580c153eb2b49c9fdbf.svg","dateLastActive":"2021-09-19T16:30:35+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":true,"showPostLink":true,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/discussion\/54251\/fibromyalgia","embedType":"quote","name":"Fibromyalgia"}"> https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/54251/fibromyalgia

    这是非常孤立的。我在2006年被诊断出患有纤维肌痛。我几乎可以继续前进。我所在的地区没有小组,我没有开车,只有家人和有限的朋友支持。药物做得不多,并且有很多副作用,最终可能会更糟。学习加快自己的步伐对于帮助最大程度地减少耀斑非常重要。有时,要做您真正想要的事情可能会引起耀斑,但是有时候值得取决于场合。如果您知道自己有一个重要的事件即将来临,那么请尽可能地预订能源。It’s difficult to get family and friends to really understand the complexity of this condition, I found passing on links to websites useful so they could read up stuff at their leisure, that way they don’t have to sit and listen to lists of ailments associated with fibromyalgia. I think there should be more accessible resources available for people with long term chronic health conditions. Perhaps things will move forwards soon.

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