Shielding again!!!!!

Did any one watch the government briefing today?????? Guys I think people that are shielding have been put out to pasture yet again. Absolutely deplorable ☹️☹️☹️


  • StickyWicket
    StickyWicket Member帖子:26,975


  • 你好,我与之相关的是进一步的屏蔽。我像成千上万的人一样苦苦挣扎,所以我不会很快跑出。谢谢你。
  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member帖子:1,582
    编辑15. 2020年6月,19:55

    I’m not shielding but I am supporting some who are. I go out as little as possible, as frankly I just don’t enjoy it any more. When I do go out, I very obviously steer round people like mad, and most are polite when they realise this and do likewise if they were getting a bit close. I’m very concerned not to be the one who introduces the virus into someone’s life.

    i’m not being ageist, but I find it’s people below their mid twenties who are least aware of distancing, but tbh I probably would have been at their age too, I don’t think young people are as risk aware, it comes with age, along with arthritis etc.

  • Dreamdaisy
    Dreamdaisy Member帖子:31,520



  • Kazza52
    Kazza52 Member帖子:74



    Stay safe everyone

  • Kazza52
    Kazza52 Member帖子:74

    我刚刚在我当地的广播电台上听到卫生部长马特·汉考克(Matt Hancock)的声明,所有目前屏蔽的人将在下一阶段的屏蔽阶段不久收到政府的来信。他们为什么必须写信给我们?他们为什么还不能在电视上的每日简报中宣布这一消息?自三月份以来,我一直在屏蔽,我希望我们所有的屏蔽我们所有的人都会早日得到政府的详细指导。


  • StickyWicket
    StickyWicket Member帖子:26,975


    That is true. The government can say whatever it likes but we still remain vulnerable and I shall continue to take all precautions whatever I'm told.

    In my neck of the woods there is very little virus but, until there's a vaccine and a speedy, effective test and trace system, we remain at risk whatever Matt Hancock says or writes. Surely the more shielders complain, the more pressure the government is under to relax things whether or not it is in our best interests?

  • Dreamdaisy
    Dreamdaisy Member帖子:31,520

    Oh gawd, tomorrow people will be asking me if have had my new letter. Eye-roll.


  • silverfoxxxx
    silverfoxxxx Member帖子:125
    My worry is, I won’t have any choice as I have a job, they will pay me while I’m off as long as I have a letter from the NHS but obviously if they it’s safe when it isn’t then I’m not sure how that will work out for me.
  • Kazza52
    Kazza52 Member帖子:74



  • I work for the NHS frontline and have been shielding since April having already worked for three weeks before I received a letter. I am very anxious about returning to work so soon. My consultant advised I carry on as I am for the near future, how long that is I have no idea. It has been suggested that I may have to consider working elsewhere within my place of work! This is not something I want to even contemplate.

  • PaulW
    PaulW Member帖子:12



    Live your life with a healthy dose of common sense and precautions and you'll be fine.

  • Ajolly
    Ajolly Member帖子:59
    编辑18. 2020年6月,20:58



    Given you work for the NHS, I’m sure you are aware on of the latest advice from the UK Government but just in case it’s helpful I’ve provided the link to the information on our website.




  • 谢谢爱丽丝欢迎我。我想知道论坛上是否有人患有GCA,我去年被诊断出患有GCA,以及他们如何在此封锁下进行管理。
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member帖子:27,878
    Yes, I wonder if the letters that will be sent out will be tailored to each person's medical condition. I too like Silverfoxxxx have a job and I have to provide my employer with correspondence that I receive from the NHS "to keep them updated". I will just have to wait and see what the letter says when it arrives.<\/p>

    Take care and stay safe<\/p>

    🐶<\/span><\/p>","bodyRaw":"[{\"insert\":\"Yes, I wonder if the letters that will be sent out will be tailored to each person's medical condition. I too like Silverfoxxxx have a job and I have to provide my employer with correspondence that I receive from the NHS \\\"to keep them updated\\\". I will just have to wait and see what the letter says when it arrives.\\n\\nTake care and stay safe\\n\"},{\"insert\":{\"emoji\":{\"emojiChar\":\"🐶\"}}},{\"insert\":\"\\n\"}]","format":"rich","dateInserted":"2020-06-18T12:03:05+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":114177,"name":"Kazza52","url":"https:\/\/\/profile\/Kazza52","photoUrl":"https:\/\/\/v2\/6d9c15bf49ea58b9d3f04df6c7cee6c3.svg","dateLastActive":"2022-02-21T21:40:55+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":false,"showPostLink":false,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/\/discussion\/comment\/669317#Comment_669317","embedType":"quote"}">

    That was the impression I got too@kazza52That some will be advised to stay inside longer and others will be allowed out if they want to. In general life we should all do what we feel comfortable with. I'm doing nowt!


    Time will tell....

    是的,有或肯定been people on here with Giant cell Arteritis@680kmc. You could put it in the search button and see what comes up?

  • Kazza52
    Kazza52 Member帖子:74

    HI everyone,






  • silverfoxxxx
    silverfoxxxx Member帖子:125
    I’m in the same boat and return to work Friday, I am concerned as I work in a supermarket and they have not said anything to me other than I’ll be wearing a mask, I’m not sure that makes it Covid secure for me?? Also been told further absence will not be paid, I believe it should be, whether funded by the government in full or part government part the company, I don’t believe the work environment will be safe now and if things get worse then obviously it will become even less safe for me.
  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member帖子:1,582

    That's awful, it does seem like people who are shielding again, at the Govt's request, are being thrown out with the bath water this time. Surely if they were eligible for payment first time around they should be so again, given that (a) this isn't their fault and (b) it's being imposed by the Govt as part of the same ongoing circumstances? Or am I reading this wrong? I'm self employed so I can manage risk and make those decisions for myself, but it has knocked a huge hole in my income.

  • silverfoxxxx
    silverfoxxxx Member帖子:125
  • 莫夫
    莫夫 Member帖子:67

    There is a lot of uncertainty and anxiety around returning to work, especially for those who have been shielding or supporting someone who has. We have updated our website with some frequently asked questions, links to appropriate advice for each nation is also included. Check out the guidance below from Versus Arthritis, Government and ACAS websites.

    与你的经理谈论任何你甲型肝炎的担忧e, raise it with your HR team and / or union if you feel concerned that your employer is not following guidelines.

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