沮丧& OA


I hope everyone is keeping well and had a good and restive Christmas.





How do other people cope knowing that the pain you are in everyday will not disappear and is what is dragging you down?

Apologies for the rant, stay safe all



  • Mike1
    Mike1 成员Posts:1,980

    I have a cat!

    This is not a flippant comment at all; I have widespread OA (as well as other musculo-skeletal issues) and have been diagnosed with Clinical Depression and PTSD which I refuse to take medication for. I live alone, use a wheelchair, have had my driving licence withdrawn on disability grounds and rarely get to leave the house (at least I get to see my Home Help once a week). Despite being on ever-increasing doses of morphine I am in constant pain which continues to spread and continues to get worse. I have often wondered what is the point of carrying on despite being only 62 BUT I have a cat to look after who is non-judgmental when I talk to her and I could not bear being without her or wondering how she would cope without me. I read a lot, watch TV a lot and have a few hobbies that I enjoy; distraction is a primary way of trying to ignore the pain which the majority of forum members will agree is the way to go. It is much easier to go down and down when depressed rather than picking yourself up, the way to do it is to focus on what is good in your life and how lucky you are compared with others.

  • Shell_H
    Shell_H AdministratorPosts:536


    I get where you're coming from. I've had many issues with depression over the years, and I can say that the thing which worked best for me was to try to look at what Icould做,而不是我不能做的。抑郁症 - 无论有或没有疼痛 - 都会使任何事情都难以做,并且疼痛会使情况变得更糟。这意味着您过去做的很多事情都不能再做了。我必须学会看和思考我能够做。我有一些我做的爱好 - 绘画模型,演奏乐器,游戏,阅读 - 我可以做的所有这些,并带给我乐趣。虽然很难,但我仍然可以去散步,这对我来说都是有益的,而且很有趣。我可以做家务,这使我感到富有成效。我可以在计算机上进行研​​究和工作,这使我的大脑保持活跃,并使我感到有用。

    It's not quick, but affirming what you can do, what you have succeeded at, what went well, can help. And as Mike said - distraction for the rest of the time!

    在家上学和WFH都同时压力很大,而不会感到沮丧和痛苦,因此请确保为自己减少一些时间。每个人都需要时间 - 与interruptions from kiddies or people who need things - to de-stress. You're in a position where you need to make sure you give yourself this time. Would you / your employer be in a position where you take advantage of the furlough scheme given you have childcare requirements too? I believe the furlough scheme can be utilised on a full time or part time basis, but it would be a pay cut, and not every employer will offer it - your circumstances will determine if this would be a possibility for you.


  • StickyWicket
    StickyWicket 成员Posts:26日,571

    Hi historynut,


    一件事,我会加入关节炎。- 不要试图摆脱痛苦,因为您注定要失败。旨在找到一个可以忍受并运行起来的水平。它将远不及您想要的位置,但是如果您不尝试做太多事情,您会感觉好多了。锻炼很少,经常笑很多。这是一种经过验证的疗法。

  • Stellabean
    Stellabean 成员Posts:307

    Hi historynut, This is life as we have to get to know it, be realistic in your goals pain free life is something we are never going to experience and as Stickywicket says find a level that allows you to function in a way you can accept. Don't get me wrong I have far from accepted what I can't do and there are times I launch on a self destructive route to come back to earth battered and bruised. I am learning to focus on what I can do and enjoy, and try to concentrate on distraction rather than destruction I tried anti depressants but due to side effects and the fact I felt they made dealing with the pain more difficult they were stopped.Good luck hope you find something that works for you.

  • 百合
    百合 成员Posts:1,475


    I’ve been on antidepressants for years, I simply couldn’t function much without them. I’m lucky that I’ve found ones that agree with me and the benefits far outweigh the few side effects, but even so the old black dog still bites at my ankles, some days worse than others.

    A couple of times the docs decided I “needed” to try different types of meds but each time it put me under the quilt for weeks on end and I felt like someone was trying to rewire my brain (which is basically true), it was a horrendous experience.

    But during those times, or when the black dog raises his head at any time, I simply have to accept that I was unwell and take the pressure off myself. Whatever tiny tasks I could do at my worst were an achievement, even if it was just getting dressed. I knew if I really needed to I could rally and put on an act of “normality”, but that’s not the same as getting better, and it’s not a solution. I still needed to treat myself as a patient awaiting recovery. But I have also learnt over the years that recovery does eventually come, and sometimes it just takes patience and self care.


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