
RogerBill Member帖子:106


I’m 69, reasonably healthy and not overweight. Until this year I used to enjoy regular eight mile walks but then osteoarthritis hit hard and I was only able to walk for 10 minutes. Initially the pains were in my thigh and I thought it was a muscular problem. I did lots of exercises proposed by a physiotherapist without any noticeable improvement. As NHS waiting lists were 12+ months and as I don’t have medical insurance I reluctantly decided to pay for a private operation.



I found the raised toilet seat the hospital gave me to be an instrument of torture!! The pain caused me to move awkwardly and I heard a loud crack. Fortunately I don’t think I’ve done any lasting damage, but I bought a seat with frame. It cost £50+VAT which I think is good value for the added comfort and security. The seat is much more comfortable and the arms on the seat enable me to take some of the weight off the bruised and tender area around the operation site. It’s also easier to get on and off the toilet without bending more than 90 degrees.

No matter how careful I am I occasionally break the rules for not bending more than 90 degrees or twisting. Causes some pain but I don’t seem to have done any real damage and I can’t imagine anyone would be able to adhere to the rules 100%. Before the operation I did practice limiting my movements and using crutches to get up and downstairs. If nothing else this saved time during my time with the physiotherapist in the hospital.

A ruck sack is really useful for carrying things around when on two crutches. A water canister is useful for carrying drinks.








I’m indebted to my partner for all her help and support. Life would be virtually impossible without such help and kindness.




  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane 主持人帖子:244


    Good to hear that you had a successful hip replacement operation. Thank you for sharing your experience I am sure new and existing members will find it very valuable.



  • 百合
    百合 Member帖子:1,365



    My bowels were so delighted not to be on codeine any more I had precisely the opposite result, which took several months to settle down. Still not quite right now, over 5 months later, but ANYTHING is better than trying to pass concrete!




  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member帖子:106


  • 鳕鱼
    鳕鱼 Member帖子:70

    你好罗杰,我在26天从我的髋关节置换,so a little ahead of you, you might find my own write up helpful. I am now at the point where I can walk around 4K using just one elbow crutch, and don’t need the crutches in the house. Whilst progress isn’t completely linear, it does move forward very noticeably most days. As well as religiously doing the physiotherapist’s exercises, I try to walk a little more each day, with the occasional rest day. Unfortunately the 2 hour sleep cycles are still there for me, the need to sleep on my back leads to a dry mouth and lots of water, with inevitable consequences. On the upside, my surgeon didn’t prescribe blood thinning injections, but I am still using compression socks overnight (reckon I am mobile enough in the daytime, possibly also overnight given the 2-hourly cycle!). Thankfully constipation isn’t a problem, probably because I didn’t get on with opioids. It’s been around a week since I needed any painkillers or ice packs. Fortunately I also haven’t had any swelling or bruising to worry about. When the staples came out, I needed steri strips over the bottom of the wound, but they have now dropped off and it’s all ok. I am looking forward to getting back in the swimming pool once the scabbing is all gone.

  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member帖子:106


  • 你好@RogerBill非常感谢您在此处发布髋关节置换的详细信息。当您更多地了解发生的事情以及一些非常有用的技巧时,这使得THR的想法变得不那么可怕。也谢谢你@Coddfish,,,,@Lilymary我试图保持锻炼来缓解我的pain but haven’t got back to walking yet. I must be more positive and build up my walking little by little. I am managing my pain better now but need to concentrate on other methods rather than relying solely on medication. I hope you all continue to improve, sending my best wishes

  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member帖子:106

    I'm glad if my comments help@LizB12在手术之前,步行和站立非常困难,但我很幸运能够在没有太多困难的情况下进行大多数练习。在我的地区,您可以自我参考Dynamichealth,这是由NHS资助的物理疗法服务。我使用了他们推荐的练习,但是当我开始遇到一些困难时,我切换到了卢·格兰特·格兰特(Lou Grant)的一组练习,这是一位位于英国利兹的物理治疗师,几年前,他本人都有髋关节替代。她的公司网站包含许多免费,有用的视频和文档,据我所知,这些视频和文档似乎提供了合理的建议。

  • lizb12
    lizb12 Member帖子:33


  • 现在从THR之后的第三周开始,所以认为该简短更新了。我能做的事情仍然非常有限。即使有垫子,坐着也不舒服,但是坐着好一些。我买的框架的厕所座椅是上帝送的,我不再需要泻药。我每天只服用两次布洛芬,目标是在第二天左右完全阻止它们。

    I made good progress during the first week out of hospital but for past week I felt I'd slipped back. But was really glad to hear encouraging words from the physio. She said I was doing really well compared to others and not to expect too much too soon. I can now walk with one crutch 15 or 20 minutes, twice a day which I didn't think was very good. As a "reward", she gave me more exercises and another appointment in three weeks!!!




    要完成两个有趣的音符。在服用阿片类药物止痛器后,卧室壁纸上的图案从墙壁上移开,漂浮了一两秒钟。难怪这些药会上瘾!现在,我有更多的36 24 36数字,因为新的臀部伸出了更多,部分原因是肿胀!

  • PS Just discovered bruising is a side effect of the Dalteparin I’m self injecting for 28 days after the op. These are to prevent blood clots. I guess that might help explain the bruising around my foot and it’s delayed appearance.


  • 百合
    百合 Member帖子:1,365


    The walking sounds good. Keep it up. I used 2 crutches for balance for a while longer as the ground is so uneven where I live, but was soon on one only round the house.


    i got the sores on the back of my heels thing at night too. Coming home made me realise how good hospital mattresses are at preventing pressure points. I tried resting my heels on something soft and squashy but it didn’t work, so I devised a long row of soft pillows and cushions under my spine from shoulder to knee, then put my knee pillow under my ankles so that my feet were suspended slightly in mid air. That worked a treat. I was still stiff as a board in the morning though.


  • Thanks@Lilymaryit's really great to compare experiences with someone who has been through the same operation. Although everyone is different there are considerable similarities, par for the course as you say.


  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member帖子:106


  • 鳕鱼
    鳕鱼 Member帖子:70

    你好@RogerBill,听起来你做得很好。不是线性的。有些日子带来了巨大的突破,其他日子更加困难。我现在只有5周的时间几天,我想说的是4周左右的变化可能是最重要的。这是我可以可靠地拐杖出去的时候,在房子里没有走路。现在只是从那里工作的一种情况。我没有瘀伤有问题,想知道这是否是穿上压缩袜而不是血液稀释剂的优势。尽管我白天不使用它们,但我一直在晚上继续穿它们。其他帮助我的事情是能够再次开车(刚刚在本周末开始),并弄清楚如何在不违反运动限制的情况下开 /下来,这使我能够做适当的臀部桥等。

    设定目标和零食有帮助。我是橄榄球的忠实粉丝,我们有昨晚的Harlequins v Bristol比赛的门票,该比赛在我知道自己的手术日期之前安排了。当我知道恢复时间很少时,我想知道我是否足够适合手术,只有4个半星期。因此,我将其成为实现目标之一。我们早点到达体育场,所以我可以在忙碌之前就座。我坐了一个体育场座垫,使其变得容易一些。比赛的性质以及“我的”团队赢得的事实帮助我解决了任何不适。如果有的话,比我以前对旧臀部的不适感更少 - 鉴于我自2020年3月以来一直没有去过那里,这是诊断前很长时间。当天早些时候,我们已经在一个乡村公园里走了很长时间,所以回家时我很累。值得庆幸的是,今天没有任何不良影响。

    I have also noticed the scar is now completely healed so my next target / treat is swimming on Monday. I love swimming and have missed it these last 5 weeks.

  • 百合
    百合 Member帖子:1,365


  • @Lilymary只是为了补充说,每个人都是不同的,并且将得到特定的建议。就我而言,我的外科医生建议使用拐杖4周。我的假体没有巩固,它需要负载轴承来鼓励骨骼生长,以使其与假体结合。我需要使用拐杖,直到肌腱,肉等的内部愈合足以消除疼痛,但不能保护骨骼。我确实需要在将近5周的时间里拐杖,以便我自己的舒适度超过200m左右。医院的物理治疗师在3周时要求我开始建立无拐杖的距离。因此,尽管了解别人的经历很有趣,但他们通常不会直接转化为自己。

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member帖子:26,358

    I think it's good that people are sharing their various - and varied - experiences of THR surgery. Lest anyone with inflammatory arthritis or, indeed, widespread OA is reading this, can I just say that, even if you can't manage to hold crutches or sticks, you, too, can go the THR ball, Cinderella.


  • 百合
    百合 Member帖子:1,365


  • 感谢您的评论并分享您的经验@Lilymary@Coddfishand@StickyWicket“每个人都是不同的”是我从生理和医务人员那里收到的答案。同样,每个外科医生都有自己的首选方法,我什至在医院收到的文件中发现了一些矛盾。由于所有这些,与经过OP和恢复过程的其他人分享经验确实很有帮助,而且令人放心。



  • 百合
    百合 Member帖子:1,365


    Do keep an eye on the bruising spread, mine came out sooner than that, if you’re worried, it won’t do any harm to mention it to your GP.

  • @RogerBill@Lilymary@StickyWicket,,,,I think a lot of advice comes from risk avoidance and that things have always been done this way.




  • 百合
    百合 Member帖子:1,365

    一个有趣的辩论@Coddfish。I asked my surgeon at my 6 week review about alarmist posts I’d seen on the “University of the Internet” () which said things like “10 things you should NEVER do if you’ve had hip replacement”, such as bending down to tie shoes, twisting from the hips, getting down onto hands and knees etc. I asked him if there was any truth in the assertion that some movements were out of bounds forever. His view was that it was not correct, most movements should be achievable eventually, or with care, but he did add “not many of my patients take up running”. My hip tells me when I’m pushing my luck, but I’m already comfortably breaking most of those “rules”.

    I agree that getting back as much activity as possible and the associated mental health benefits are really important, but bear in mind the more we punish our new joints, the greater the wear and risk of dislocation. Apols if I sound like a stuck record, but I know one person with a dislocated new knee and two people who’ve had multiple hip dislocations (4 each, one of them in front of me) eventually requiring revisionary surgery. One “hippie” was a keen walker who had a tendency for falling over. The other was simply on her hands and knees in pilates.... so there may be some truth to the rumours.

    我的一位外科医生对惩罚的安迪·默里(Andy Murray)非常严厉,他的新臀部(重新浮出水面?)臀部,并说所有外科医生的好工作都会很快被毁了,并渴望确保我收到了信息。我们还需要记住,取代人造臀部要比第一个新的臀部要复杂得多,而且它们只能拍摄一次。当那磨损时,您所能做的就是管理剩下的东西。


  • @Lilymary“大多数动作应该可以实现”,我被告知类似的事情,十二周后,我可以骑自行车,园艺和打高尔夫球,但要避免接触运动和繁重的举重。

    @Coddfish在a week and a bit I'm hoping to experience some significant changes like you did four weeks after your op. For the past few days I've hit a plateau and even though I've done all the exercises without fail, I only feel comfortable extending my twice daily walks in small increments and at this rate of improvement I'll certainly not be able to do 4k walks at my 26 day mark.

  • 百合
    百合 Member帖子:1,365

    @RogerBill,,,,if you want to be encouraged about how well you’re doing, read my account of glacially slow recovery in my “New Hip Day” blog. Trust me, you’re doing fine! At 4 weeks the pain had only just subsided to the level where I could start exercising properly and start extending my walks round the village a bit. I’m now nearly at the 6 month mark, and I’m finally doing 5-6 miles at a reasonable pace, and starting to incorporate moderate gradients. But it’s been a right long haul. Our bodies work to a different agenda to our ambition. Find some middle ground, and work from there. Every now and then we plateau or even go backwards a bit, but it will improve. I was told to avoid ladders and scaffold for 3-6 months, (I have a strange job) but was up there in 4. I’m able to do most gardening tasks other than digging holes and hauling out larger shrubs. I was never much into cycling, but I’m really looking forward to taking up contact sports!

  • Thanks@Lilymaryall good and encouraging points.

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