
威尔伯 成员Posts:3
编辑29. 2020年5月11:33 inCoronavirus (COVID-19)
I have not received the first round official NHS letter telling me to shield. Early April I received a standard letter from my rheumatology dept suggesting that anyone on the list of meds should shield. A copy of the NHS letter was enclosed but didn’t have my name on. As I take methotrexate and imraldi I sent the letter to my employer and they are fine with me working from home for as long as I need to. The letter also had links to this website & the BSR website where you could calculate your own risk score. I did this and came out as a 2 so not needing to shield.

上周我得到了同样的信将军in but this time it enclosed the BSR guide to work out your risk. Again my risk was the middle group which contradicts the letter suggesting shielding.



I would feel happier working from home for as long as possible so I would rather be in the shielding category for work purposes. On the other hand I like having a short daily walk which I suppose you shouldn’t do if shielding.

Is anyone in a similar position and what have you told your employer? Thanks


  • Ellen
    Ellen ModeratorPosts:1,122





    So I’ve been on the charts and assessed my points and I’m on methotrexate and amjavita injections so according to the chart that is 2 points so it’s under 3 so I should use social distancing. I’m a key worker as I make medicine so it’s proving a little difficult.

    The reason I’m now confused is that I’ve just read on this community that someone just on methotrexate is shielding. Surely that is 1 point on the chart.

    I did receive a letter from rheumatology and that had those medications on the letter but only shield if you were over 50 so I’m so confused - should I be shielding? Should I be working? No idea - I want to work after having a double hip replacement last year and being off is just boring and wasteful when I can help so many people by going into work.","bodyRaw":"Good morning, \r\n\r\nSo I’ve been on the charts and assessed my points and I’m on methotrexate and amjavita injections so according to the chart that is 2 points so it’s under 3 so I should use social distancing. I’m a key worker as I make medicine so it’s proving a little difficult. \r\n\r\nThe reason I’m now confused is that I’ve just read on this community that someone just on methotrexate is shielding. Surely that is 1 point on the chart. \r\n\r\nI did receive a letter from rheumatology and that had those medications on the letter but only shield if you were over 50 so I’m so confused - should I be shielding? Should I be working? No idea - I want to work after having a double hip replacement last year and being off is just boring and wasteful when I can help so many people by going into work. ","format":"text","dateInserted":"2020-04-03T07:50:57+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":14631,"name":"danm2010","url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/profile\/danm2010","photoUrl":"https:\/\/w3.vanillicon.com\/v2\/3f2b8bdec43a1ce63e314d4ce2031567.svg","dateLastActive":"2020-07-27T09:23:12+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":true,"showPostLink":true,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/discussion\/51661\/anyone-else-confused","embedType":"quote","name":"Anyone else confused?"}"> https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/51661/anyone-else-confused



  • 谢谢艾伦,希望其他人在类似情况下会很快结束。
  • Iam also confused , I take methotrexate and golimuhab injections and also medication for high blood pressure . According to these guide lines I should be shielding. I have received no letters just a tx from my gp saying to stop medication immediately if I have any symptoms of coronavirus. I have not left the house for 5 weeks but Would like to no what risk criteria I fall in so that I am able to make future decisions when it is best to return to work
    Etc . I have spoken to rheumatologist nurse and my gp practise but seemed to get fobbed off between the two so no further forward.
  • Hi@Susan77欢迎来到在线社区。

    There appears to be a lot of confusion about the shielding letters being issued and who triggers the sending out to vulnerable people. We have put together some advice about assessing your risk to coronavirus:

    Sadly, we have temporarily removed the risk calculator from our website whilst we work with the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) on improvements. We’re working on this as a priority as we know it’s an important resource for people with arthritis.

    Do join in across the Community, ask questions and call in for a chat. You will be most welcome



  • I also have high blood pressure , I get my flu jab I’m on methotrexate injecting weekly and my gp has told me I am not in the shielding group ! I’m not happy with this decision as feel I’m at risk and I have just gotten over 3 back to back chest infections but they say that’s what rheumatology have told them , I feel very vulnerable I have a 9 yr old son !
  • Hi@jaymacc


    This link will direct you to all the current advise in regards to Coronavirus and Arthritis//www.wfysxh.com/news/2020/april/coronavirus-covid-19-what-what-is-is-it-in-is-where-where-where-to-go-for-information/


    Please let us know how you get on, we're looking forward to your next post.



  • 我也是社区的新手,我刚刚收到一封屏蔽信(在过去6周内我要参加锻炼的时候有点迟到)..有人知道我何时隔离了12周的隔离?是信件的一天还是这一天开始的那一天。非常感谢您让我发布。

    KR John。

  • I spoke with my gp and rheumatology regarding this. They don't regard methotrexate as a great risk. It was initially on the shielding list but was then later removed. So perhaps why the confusion between march an april. I believe that because this is a new virus they cannot say for definite there is no risk infact I have been told by both a dr and a nurse that no one knows the level of risk. Healthy people are drying yet older cancer patients are surviving. It is a complete unknown so try not to read to much into it. Just keep yourself safe.

    我得到的最好的建议是来自风湿病护士,这是不碰脸的。洗你的手!相距2 m的通风良好区域。我相信那些监督我的治疗的团队,还有比我更病的人。

    If you do not have a shielding letter your employer must provide you with the ability to social distance. 2m at all time. Also and it does not specify but i would be looking at ventilation and the number of persons around you. Stagnant air is the worse for bacteria.
  • 我在三月份收到了一条短信,建议我屏蔽十二周,而在4月29日,我终于收到了NHS的信,告诉我屏蔽了十二周。发出信件的巨大延迟增加了人们感到困惑的人,当发现疫苗时,我希望我们都处于列表的顶部。注意安全。

  • Kazza52
    Kazza52 成员Posts:74

    Just received a text this morning from the NHS stating that that as I am in the clinically vulnerable category I have to further shield until the 30th June and that a letter will be coming out to me.


    Keep safe everyone.

