
基督 成员文章:6
编辑2. 2021年11月10:25 患有关节炎




  • 艾伦
    艾伦 主持人文章:1,253



    Hi, I'm new on here 😁<\/span><\/p>

    I have OA in my ankle which is post traumatic after I was hit by a vehicle 6 years ago, and now my ortho consultant has advised ankle fusion. It seems like a big decision to decide how to go ahead and I'm not eligible to have an ankle replacement because of my age....I'm just a bit torn with what to do at the minute, on one hand anything to get me out of this pain would be more than welcome!! But also I worry how much it will affect my day to day life and also I love to walk up mountains whenever possible so I don't know how a fused ankle would cope with any incline? Though at the moment any walks are a struggle so it may be the lesser of two evils to just jump in to the surgery...? And I have a lot of achillies tendon pain so will the surgery affect this much or not at all? I'm a bit all over the shop about what to do in all honesty! If it wasnt easy to tell by this post 😂<\/span><\/p>

    I had a steriod injection earlier this year but about 3\/4 weeks later it wore off and its no different than it was before now. If anyone out there has had an ankle fusion or any other joint fusion really and has any advice at all I'd really appreciate anyone reaching out 😊<\/span> I've chatted with my consultant several times but I'm always met with fairly brief answers. No disrespect at all to my consultant as they're all incredible people who do a whole lot of healing! But I feel like nothing could give me a better idea of how life goes on after this surgery than someone who is living it now and experienced it first hand. <\/p>

    If anyone has any advice at all or just fancies a chat about living with OA pain I'm all ears 😊<\/span><\/p>","bodyRaw":"[{\"insert\":\"Hi, I'm new on here \"},{\"insert\":{\"emoji\":{\"emojiChar\":\"😁\"}}},{\"insert\":\"\\nI have OA in my ankle which is post traumatic after I was hit by a vehicle 6 years ago, and now my ortho consultant has advised ankle fusion. It seems like a big decision to decide how to go ahead and I'm not eligible to have an ankle replacement because of my age....I'm just a bit torn with what to do at the minute, on one hand anything to get me out of this pain would be more than welcome!! But also I worry how much it will affect my day to day life and also I love to walk up mountains whenever possible so I don't know how a fused ankle would cope with any incline? Though at the moment any walks are a struggle so it may be the lesser of two evils to just jump in to the surgery...? And I have a lot of achillies tendon pain so will the surgery affect this much or not at all? I'm a bit all over the shop about what to do in all honesty! If it wasnt easy to tell by this post \"},{\"insert\":{\"emoji\":{\"emojiChar\":\"😂\"}}},{\"insert\":\"\\nI had a steriod injection earlier this year but about 3\\\/4 weeks later it wore off and its no different than it was before now. If anyone out there has had an ankle fusion or any other joint fusion really and has any advice at all I'd really appreciate anyone reaching out \"},{\"insert\":{\"emoji\":{\"emojiChar\":\"😊\"}}},{\"insert\":\" I've chatted with my consultant several times but I'm always met with fairly brief answers. No disrespect at all to my consultant as they're all incredible people who do a whole lot of healing! But I feel like nothing could give me a better idea of how life goes on after this surgery than someone who is living it now and experienced it first hand. \\nIf anyone has any advice at all or just fancies a chat about living with OA pain I'm all ears \"},{\"insert\":{\"emoji\":{\"emojiChar\":\"😊\"}}},{\"insert\":\"\\n\"}]","format":"rich","dateInserted":"2021-10-19T07:52:40+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":118978,"name":"Rosie2021","url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/profile\/Rosie2021","photoUrl":"https:\/\/w3.vanillicon.com\/v2\/377795b976f7361fee2ef395a9339054.svg","dateLastActive":"2021-10-24T12:47:26+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":true,"showPostLink":true,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/discussion\/55324\/oa-in-ankle-should-i-go-ahead-with-ankle-fusion","embedType":"quote","name":"OA in ankle, should I go ahead with ankle fusion?"}"> https://community.versususarthlitis.org/discussion/55324/oa-in-ankle-should-should-i----------------------------------------- ankle-fusion


    \nMy question is,
    \nfor those that have had an ankle fusion, how bad was your ankle before having it done? to what degree was it altering your life ?

    \nCazz.","bodyRaw":"Hiya, I am not sure if this is the right forum to post on, new here and still finding my way about.\n\nMy question is,\nfor those that have had an ankle fusion, how bad was your ankle before having it done? to what degree was it altering your life ?\n\n\nCazz.","format":"bbcode","dateInserted":"2011-07-02T03:08:55+00:00","insertUser":{"userID":25193,"name":"Cazz","url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/profile\/Cazz","photoUrl":"https:\/\/wf.vanillicon.com\/v2\/f8f8f7869b6121efbc797b8abb8c80d6.svg","dateLastActive":"2011-08-22T07:01:00+00:00","banned":0,"punished":0,"private":false},"displayOptions":{"showUserLabel":false,"showCompactUserInfo":true,"showDiscussionLink":true,"showPostLink":true,"showCategoryLink":false,"renderFullContent":false,"expandByDefault":false},"url":"https:\/\/community.versusarthritis.org\/discussion\/25167\/ankle-fusion","embedType":"quote","name":"Ankle Fusion."}"> https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/25167/ankle-fusion




  • MRDJ
    MRDJ 成员文章:242




  • 谢谢Cazz和MRDJ-这很有趣。







  • MRDJ
    MRDJ 成员文章:242


    除此之外,我同意在服用DF118脱氢可丁素时被阻止,因此必须定期服用像纤维凝胶这样的粉末以简化便秘。在此之前,我正在服用Co Proxamol,这很棒,但后来停止了。







  • 基督
    基督 成员文章:6




  • 你好呀



