

I also suffer bad pain in bed, so any help on either of these problems will be gratefully received.


  • Hi@Druss- 欢迎来到在线社区!

    I see you have Osteoarthritis in your hips, and you're looking for advise with coping with the pain, specifically while driving or in bed.


    We normally advise people to try a mattress topper (or a new mattress) which is designed to take pressure off your joints. Often these have a memory foam layer at the top, which can help spread the pressure and has more give at the joints where you need it. If you can, go to a mattress / bed shop and try out a bunch and see what works for you in person, then you know what you're looking for.



    Please have a look around the rest of the community and join in any conversation which you find interesting - everyone is very welcome!


  • Thank you for your comments, I do have a memory foam topper and even that feels too hard when lying on it. I do try sleeping with my hips on a soft pillow, which helps initially, but wears off as the night goes on. I do take co-codamol (30/1000) before going to bed and mid-way during the night if I get up.


  • I have OA in my lower spine- L5 S1 which also gives me hip pain. I was taking 60/1000 co-codamol but it was taking 2 hours for the pain to ease enough to sleep. Turning over in bed during the night was agony. My doctor suggested nortriptyline - I was sceptical, but it made a real difference and I sleep a lot better. I have tried to reduce one or the other but find I need both. I try to be as active as possible in the day as being physically tired also helps me to sleep better. Being active is sometimes the last thing I want to do but I know now the benefits are worth it.

    I hope you find a solution to help you sleep. If I don’t sleep one night I try to have a sleep one afternoon to catch up a bit.


  • Hi@Druss我也被诊断出患有关节炎的臀部,不幸的是,像您一样的合适的臀部。我们的汽车是一种自动,可以极大地帮助我的关节炎左膝。由于痛苦和僵硬的持续困难,我从一月份开始就没有开车,而且错过了很多。当我偶尔必须去任何地方时,我的丈夫必须开车。我不想将其加重,但它确实限制了我的社交生活。我使用从亚马逊购买的特殊Coccyx Cushion作为我的乘客座椅,这减轻了我的痛苦,并避免了颠簸的道路上的震动。它充满了乘客座椅,因此可能可以为您的驾驶工作。希望您很快找到解决方案

  • 我正在等待外侧臀部手术三年。...我一直在开车,但是现在很警惕现在载乘客并砍伐距离,由于现在的道路交通过多,现在锁定了,并担心小印刷品在我的汽车保险上,如果我卷入一场小事 /重大事故,我觉得我会被其他政党杀死

  • CCM
    CCM 成员Posts:74


  • lizb12
    lizb12 成员Posts:38

    That sounds like good advice@CCM

  • RogerBill
    RogerBill 成员Posts:136

    额外的建议ion if you're lucky enough to have a car with electrically adjustable seats. I find just a small regular adjustment to the backrest or sqab angles or fore and aft position or lumbar support provided relief between regular stops for a brief potter around. Manually adjustable seats are more difficult and dangerous to adjust while driving and electric seats usually provide a finer degree of adjustment.

    Heated seats are also really good for easing pain.

    座椅较高的汽车绝对比座椅底部靠近地板的低矮跑车更好。我的兄弟有一个丰田塞利卡(Toyota Celica),即使是乘客,几分钟之内也会给我痛苦。否则,我发现舒适和不舒服的汽车座椅之间的区别只有在延长驱动器后才变得明显。

    Finally the car suspension setup makes a huge difference. Cars with low profile tyres or hard sports suspension jolt and jar too much especially now UK road surfaces are getting worse each year. Because of this I can see why some now prefer gas guzzling 4x4 but there are more sensible modest cars which provide an equally comfortable ride for those of us who suffer with hip or back pain. Interestingly some older cars seem to have been designed more with comfort in mind than many newer cars with sporty intentions that look good in the showroom and appeal to motoring journalists.

    Sorry to ramble on but my work used to require me to drive many miles and then spend hours sitting at a computer keyboard. Changing my car helped enormously and since then I freely admit to having a bee in my bonnet about car seats, suspension and tyres.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 成员Posts:1,992

    当心您的关节炎影响您的开车方式或需要特殊控制,您只是合法地向DVLA报告此类事实 - 请参阅//www.wfysxh.com/about-athritis/living-with-arthritis/driving/- 如果不这样做,您可能会面临严重的罚款,并且您的保险可能无效。在我的全科医生询问我应该开车时,我向DVLA报道了DVLA的困难,然后将另一个问卷发送给了我,然后我完成了,然后通过了他们的医疗委员会并撤回了我的执照。最初,我安装了其他镜子后,我通过变动与保险公司联系,因为我无法握住方向盘,因为我无法抓住方向盘,他们很高兴。现在,当我独自生活并使用轮椅时,我几乎是家里。

  • 很好的观点@Mike1I'm really sorry to hear you had your licence withdrawn, it's a situation which I would find tough to deal with. But the potential consequences to human life of driving while not fit and able are horrendous. Also the potential costs arising from an accident are almost limitless if you drive without insurance. You were certainly right to inform the DVLA.


  • I have arthritis in both hips ( one now replaced) but luckily this did not affect me when driving. I find a TENS machine useful for targeted pain control without using painkillers. There is a section on this site on TENS. I have used both the wired version and the wireless version ( you can buy both at Lloyds the chemist), and I use the wireless ones for physical activity outside the home. The wireless version only offers one type of 'pulse' but it works well for me

  • 我有一个特殊的楔形垫子,可以使用它,因为我的汽车很低,如果我走得太远,我的背部和臀部会伤害我的背部和臀部。它专门为汽车设计,不会移动。


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